


Petroleum Inspection Safety Code Launched in China by TIC Council

The “Petroleum Inspection Safety Code” (Second Edition) has been officially launched in China. The code was initially issued in December 2023 by the Petroleum and Petrochemical Committee of the TIC Council Headquarters. Since June 2024, this Working Group has actively contributed to the localisation of the Petroleum Inspection Safety Code. As a result, it strengthens safety protocols, improves worker well-being and promotes a culture of safety in China.

Two safety-clad inspectors shaking hands at petroleum load port following TIC Council China safety code launch

The “Safety Guidelines for Petroleum Inspection” outline how systematic safety training, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and thorough risk assessments can improve safety and efficiency in on-site operations. Additionally, the guidelines stress the significance of both “formal risk assessment” and “dynamic risk assessment.” These approaches enable practitioners to stay alert and responsive in complex, constantly evolving work environments.

Mark Quillinan, AHK General Manager China and Vice Chairman of the TIC Council China Commodity Working Group stated: “We are very proud of the TIC Council China Commodity Working Group for bringing the Petroleum Inspection Safety Guidelines to the China Market in Chinese Language. Every chance to learn helps, while those without resources to establish their guidelines have a base source to learn from as they build safety into their way of life.”

Click here to read more about the TIC Council’s Petroleum Inspection Safety Code


AHK operates a global network of experts with a well-earned reputation for providing reliable, professional services and high-quality results. Being a people-centric organisation, we care about what we do and how we do it. To demonstrate this, we follow industry protocols and standard operating procedures. This ensures our teams deliver accurate and efficient results in a safe and reliable environment.

For more information on the petroleum safety code or our services, speak to one of our experts today.