Наша опытная команда всегда готова помочь с вашими глобальными требованиями к инспекции и анализу.
Наша опытная команда всегда готова помочь вам с вашими глобальными требованиями к инспекции и анализу.
Alfred H Knight is excited to announce the development of a new state of the art, specialist sample preparation facility in Scotland.
Читать далее > >AHK Mexico has concluded the re-evaluation of its ISO-17025:2017 accreditation before the EMA (Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación) with zero non-conformities.
Читать далее > >Alfred H Knight is pleased to announce our official membership with the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).
Did you know, the bottom ash left in your furnace after incineration could be repurposed, providing added value and contributing to a Circular Economy?
Читать далее > >The composition of waste feedstock can vary over time, which can affect the lifespan of your Energy from Waste (EfW) facility.
Читать далее > >As waste management companies support the objectives and efforts to combat the global climate crisis, the push towards Net Zero has never been more focused than it is today.
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