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Автор: Sam Houlton

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How KES help clients to recycle waste coffee grounds

The UK consumes around 95 million cups of coffee each day. Did you know that the waste product from spent coffee beans holds great value at an industrial scale?

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Seven ways to minimise your household waste over lockdown

If you're planning to declutter your home or embark on a DIY project, these 7 tips will help you to deal with your unwanted items and household waste responsibly.

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National Poultry Day

It's National Poultry Day 2021! Poultry litter might have more value than you think. To find out more about your poultry litter, contact our helpful Biomass Team.

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Knight Energy Services Limited will change its name to Alfred H Knight Energy Services Limited

As of 1st January 2021, Knight Energy Services Limited will change its name to Alfred H Knight Energy Services Limited.

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KES joins North East Recycle Forum

Alfred H Knight Energy Services joins the North East Recycle Forum, a forum for a variety of waste professionals across the public, private and community sectors.

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World Food Day: Turning food waste into energy

It's World Food Day 2021! The UK produces the highest amount of food waste in Europe, but with Anaerobic Digestion technology, food waste can be turned into renewable energy.

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