RHI scheme — Meeting ongoing obligations
The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a Government financial support scheme to help promote the deployment of Renewable Energy Technologies. Once accredited to the scheme, participants with an eligible biomass boiler installation are able to receive a tariff for each kW of heat used for a period of up to 20 years. The scheme is administered by Ofgem and they are responsible for governance and administration, ensuring compliance to the RHI regulations.
The scheme is due to close for new participants on 31st March 2021 except for a few exemptions where an RHI extension application can be applied.
As part of the ongoing sustainability of the scheme, Ofgem are implementing robust fuel quality standards. These new standards will affect all participants of the RHI Scheme both current and existing. It is the intention to introduce criteria to ensure all fuel used on plants meet standards such as EN17225-4:2014, along with other recognised equivalents.
Participants will be required to provide ongoing evidence that the wood fuel they have used in their accredited installation meets the wood fuel quality criteria. Guidance on the information you will need to provide can be found here.
Meet your obligations
It is vital that owners and operators of RHI-accredited biomass boilers continue to meet their ongoing obligations for the lifetime of their accreditation. This is in order to protect their investment and minimise any financial risk.
You can find more information on the RHI obligations and why fuel quality is so important in this information leaflet.
Test your fuel in line with Ofgem’s requirements
Alfred H Knight is at the forefront of providing accredited fuel sampling and testing services, with a highly experienced division dedicated solely to biomass and waste wood. Recognised as one of the main specialist laboratories for UKAS accredited wood based fuel testing they have been providing certification for biomass and waste wood fuel in line with Ofgem’s requirement since the scheme first started.
With a number of remote offices and hubs, Alfred H Knight is already geared up to work Nationwide.
For more information on our fuels analysis services for the RHI scheme, visit our RHI page.
Amy Fielding, Business Development Manager at AHK, comments:
“After being involved within the biomass and waste wood energy sector for over 25 years, I am excited to have the opportunity to play an intricate part in the evolution of the UK’s biomass fuel industry. It has become evident over the years that fuel quality plays a critical part into the safe and reliable operation of biomass energy equipment.
“The mindset of using lower grades of fuel within boiler specifications not designed for that purpose needs to change. It may seem fruitful short-term, but can lead to longer term losses and be detrimental to the environment. It’s clear that responsibility needs to be taken throughout the fuel supply chain from producer, trader, and supplier to end user, with a transparent understanding of the fuel composition. The undertaking of regular fuel testing is the key to this.”
Speak to an expert
AHK Energy Services offer an experienced and dedicated service, through high quality testing, consistent communication, prompt reporting and accurate results.
If you would like a quote, or just to speak to one of our friendly advisors about the RHI scheme click here