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KES se une al Foro de reciclaje del noreste

Alfred H Knight Energy Services joins the North East Recycle Forum, a forum for a variety of waste professionals across the public, private and community sectors.

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Los múltiples usos de la harina de carne y huesos

The UK produces around 350,000 tonnes of meat and bone meal each year. This sustainable way of farming is increasingly being used by biomass power stations as a source of renewable energy.

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Día Mundial de la Alimentación: convertir los residuos de alimentos en energía

It's World Food Day 2021! The UK produces the highest amount of food waste in Europe, but with Anaerobic Digestion technology, food waste can be turned into renewable energy.

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Cómo KES ayuda a los clientes a reciclar los posos de café usados

The UK consumes around 95 million cups of coffee each day. Did you know that the waste product from spent coffee beans holds great value at an industrial scale?

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Commit to Net Zero – Energy from Waste

As waste management companies support the objectives and efforts to combat the global climate crisis, the push towards Net Zero has never been more focused than it is today.

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Black Mass and Its Implications in the Circular Economy

Dr Laurance Donnelly's presentation on The Phase Characterisation of Black Mass and Its Implications in the Circular Economy - Available to watch now!

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