Nuestro equipo experimentado está siempre disponible para ayudarlo con sus requisitos globales de inspección y análisis.

Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.

Autor: Sam Houlton

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Do you know the value of your Bottom Ash?

Did you know, the bottom ash left in your furnace after incineration could be repurposed, providing added value and contributing to a Circular Economy?

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Waste composition and the lifespan of your EfW Facility

The composition of waste feedstock can vary over time, which can affect the lifespan of your Energy from Waste (EfW) facility.

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Equipo de desarrollo de negocios – Alfred H Knight Energy Services amplía su alcance

Due to increased demand, Alfred H Knight Energy Services have expanded their Business Development team to further support Waste Management organisations across the UK.

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Asuma la responsabilidad y reduzca su huella de carbono

For organisations producing emissions, the emphasis on meeting emissions limits set by their environmental regulator is stronger than ever.

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Maximice el rendimiento de su caldera de biomasa

By understanding the composition of your biomass or waste wood, you can maximise the performance of your biomass boiler.

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Nuevas normas de calidad del combustible proveniente de madera de RHI

The non-domestic RHI scheme is closed to all new accreditations and Ofgem has introduced updated RHI wood fuel quality standards.

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